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3 Problems to Prepare for When Remodeling Your Home

When you live in an older, outdated home, a renovation can bring some new life into your humble abode. Not to mention the added resale value you can recoup if you remodel certain rooms and parts of your home.

During a remodel, there are going to be some obstacles you’re going to run into. Some aren’t a big deal, while others might set you back a bit.

Before you start, it’s important to know what these possible problems are so you can incorporate these obstacles in your remodeling plans (and budget). Planning makes perfect!

1) Dealing With Out-of-Date Plumbing

Is your home’s plumbing comprised of galvanized steel pipes? It’s certainly possible if you live in a home that was built in the 1960s or earlier.

This plumbing material has since been retired, as the material can easily become clogged and is prone to corrosion. The only time galvanized steel is used today is when a homeowner needs a plumbing repair of its current galvanized steel pipes but isn’t ready to replace ALL of the piping.

If your home is comprised of this material and you’re planning on remodeling the bathroom, NOW is the time to make the switch to copper orPEX piping.


Well, besides the fact that these materials are cost-effective and won’t corrode — the cost of replacing plumbing is extremely cheap when you have the plumbing already exposed during the remodeling process.

2) Discovering Dangerously Old Electrical

Like your home’s plumbing, the electrical should also be serviced and updated while it’s exposed during a remodel. However, when it comes to electrical wiring, the mere existence of old wiring can be extremely dangerous to both your home and your family who have to live in it.

The reason old wiring can be so dangerous is that it can either be damaged or overloaded. Damaged wiring is dangerous for obvious reasons, but old wiring can be just as dangerous due to its inability to carry the electrical load of modern technology and habits.

When your older home was built, the electrical panel and wiring were not built for running multiple things at the same time — like an advanced HVAC system, televisions and computers in every room, multiple kitchen appliances, etc.

No matter the remodel, an upgraded electrical panel and associated wiring might be more of a necessity than a choice…

3) Unsafe Indoor Air Quality

After a remodeling project, your home is going to look beautiful! (Well, it depends on your stylistic choice, but we hope it does!)

Once all of the renovations are done and everything is cleaned up, there’s still one thing you need to take care of…

Your HVAC system’s ductwork!

During renovations, particles and irritants like dust, mold spores, and debris from any demolition and new construction can find its way into your ductwork. Here is where it will sit as a layer of grime that will come in contact with all of the air that passes through the ducts.

Allowing this will lower the indoor air quality of your home, which can aggravate allergies, asthma, and cause respiratory illnesses. Make sure you have your ductwork professionally cleaned after bigger home renovations.

Remodeling your home can help revitalize an older home, making it more valuable and attractive to live in.

When you need a professional to service, repair, or replace your plumbing and electrical (or you need your air ducts professionally cleaned), be sure to give us a call and we’ll take care of it!

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When you need a reliable partner for all your home services in the Lancaster area, trust Lancaster Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical. From our location in East Petersburg, we can provide fast, professional HVAC, plumbing, and electrical services anywhere in Lancaster County and the surrounding communities. We have some of the best technicians in the business. Our company features:

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When you need the ultimate in-home comfort, choose Lancaster Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical. Call us today at (717) 207-8198 or contact us online to schedule service in Lancaster or South Central Pennsylvania.