Air Freshener Alternatives
Everyone enjoys a fresh-smelling home, and fortunately, there are methods to achieving an odorless home without having to turn to chemical air fresheners, which truly do more harm than good. It’s time to put down the aerosol can and try these alternative home freshening methods to help you improve the indoor air quality of your home.
Start with a Clean Home
Chemical air fresheners only cover up odors. They do not get rid of the source of your smell, nor do they keep these odors from returning to your home. The only way to truly deodorize your space is to get rid of the origin of the emanating foul smell altogether. Regular and thorough house cleanings are an absolute must, and will likely eliminate the need for chemical air fresheners. Here is a cleaning checklist to keep in mind:
Vacuum carpets and upholstery regularly
Wipe down all surfaces in your home with safe, non-toxic cleaners
Remove all trash and wash out trash cans bi-monthly
Clean hardwood and tile flooring with a fresh mop
Replace your home’s air filters every month
Let the Fresh Air In
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air pollutants are often two to five times higher than outdoor pollutant levels. An easy and effective way to improve your indoor air quality is by opening your windows. It’s easy to open the windows in the spring and summer, but even in winter, it’s important to keep the fresh air flowing throughout your home. Five to ten minutes a day is all it takes to improve your home’s indoor air quality.
One More Chemical Air Freshener Alternative
Many people associate artificial scents with a clean home. However, most quote-on-quote “clean homes” don’t really have a smell at all. Yet, if you prefer perfume-like scents to carry throughout your home, use essential oils to add agreeable flavor to your home! They are a great alternative to chemical air fresheners.
For more information on indoor air quality check out our website, here!